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Calvados Lemorton

Calvados Lemorton is located in Mantilly in the wooded region of Domfrontais

This traditional farm in the bocage has been owned by the Lemortons for 3 generations, Didier Lemorton the grandson, runs the estate. The orchard has apple and pear trees with tall stems sometimes reaching 20m high. The Lemorton estate produces Ciders, Poirés, Pommeau de Normandie but also old vintage Domfrontais Calvados. The peculiarity of Calvados Lemorton is the very high proportion of pears used in distillation ciders, around 70% while the AOC Calvados Domfrontais requires at least 30%. All of its Calvados age in oak barrels until bottling.

Try this very rural 10-year-old Calvados Lemorton, a delight.